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HTML_heading and paragraphs HTML Headings means the most important heading. is less important than . is less important than . And so on. Why Headings? Search engines see headings which define the structure of the page with the basis of priorities. It also gives overview to human and people can decide whether they would read further or not. Heading should be used only for defining a structure of a page not for bold and big .. 2023. 5. 2.
HTML_attributes HTML Attributes Let’s study HTML attributes. Why do we need HTML attributes? Because it can give more detailed information about HTML elements. Think about it. There are so many tags without difference. How can we differentiate those? Features of HTML Attributes All HTML elements can contain attributes Attributes give more information about elements Attributes must be specified in the start tag .. 2023. 5. 2.
HTML_Elements HTML Elements We already know how HTML elements are made. Content Empty Elements Sometimes, you don’t need to close tag like . It is called empty element. offers a line break in text. See how it works below. Hello, this is heading1 This is heading2 Paragraph starts here Nested HTML Elements HTML elements can be contained in other elements. We call it nested HTML elements. All HTML documents made.. 2023. 5. 2.
HTML_basics Basics of HTML Declaration : its declaration tells what type of this document and helps browsers to display web pages. It must be written once, at the top of the page before you use any HTML tags. It is not case sensitive. Headings HTML headings can be called with tags like , , …, . The less the index number like h1, the higher priority it has with comparison to lower index heading tags like h3,.. 2023. 5. 2.