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AIForEveryone_building ai in your company Case study : smart speaker process trigger word detection : audio -> 'Hey Siri' Speech recognition after trigger : audio -> 'What time is it now' Intent recognition(의도 확인) Execute action : 'It is 10:00 PM' Case study : self driving car steps for deciding how to drive car detection with cam | radar(supervised learning) pedestrian detection motion planning(software) Example.. 2023. 12. 9.
AIForEveryone_AI project What you can do with data Sales data: Data science can help to find the way to optimize sales funnel Machine learning automate prioritizing customers based on possibility Manufacturing line data: DS can optimize manufacturing line ML can automate visual inspection Marketing data: DS can get insights from A/B testing ML can do customized product recommandation Agriculture: DS can do crop anlytics.. 2023. 12. 9.
AIForEveryone_what is AI AI is artificial intelligence. There are 2 types of AI: ANI(Artificial Narrow Intelligence). ex) smart speaker, self-car driving, factory, etc AGI(Artificial General Intelligence). ex) anything human can do Supervised learning is basically process of input and output. If emails data is input and output is selected spam mails, then this is spam-filtering AI. If input is English and output is Chin.. 2023. 12. 9.
GA 용어 정리 Automatically Collected Events - SDK나 js를 삽입하면 자동으로 이벤트 수집하는 기능 Connected Site Tags - GA4의 기능으로, UA(Universal Analytics) 태깅을 재사용하여 GA4 프로퍼티를 생성할 수 있게 해준다. GA4 사용을 위해 코드를 따로 추가하지 않아도 되는 기능 Custom Dimensions - GA4는 Custom Dimensions과 Metrics로 구성. 이벤트 파라미터를 리포트에서 사용하여 데이터를 더 쉽게 이해할 수 있게 함 Data Stream - 웹사이트 또는 앱과 GA 간 데이터 흐름을 의미. data stream은 세 가지 타입이 있는데, Web, Android, iOS가 있다 Debug View - GA4에서 .. 2023. 12. 9.