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by RIEM 2023. 5. 2.

HTML Attributes

Let’s study HTML attributes. Why do we need HTML attributes? Because it can give more detailed information about HTML elements. Think about it. There are so many <div> tags without difference. How can we differentiate those?


Features of HTML Attributes

  • All HTML elements can contain attributes
  • Attributes give more information about elements
  • Attributes must be specified in the start tag
  • Attributes normally come with pairs name/value format, for e.g., name=”value”

The href Attribute

<a> tag defines a hyperlink. The href attribute can connect with other external resource.


<a href="http://www.businessoffashion.com">Visit Bof</a>


The src Attribute

The <img> tag is useful when you embed an image in an HTML page. The ‘src’ attribute defines the path to the image.

<img src="img_building.jpg">


Two ways to define the URL in the src attribute

There are two ways to specify the url. First one is 1)Absolute URL and the other one is 2)Relative URL. Let’s see how each way works.


1.Absolute URL

Can you see the difference between Absolute URL and Relative URL? Yeah. Absolute URL is longer than Relative one. Absolute URL links to an external image which is hosted on another website. It means the image is from another guy’s source. So you should be careful when you use images from others. Check copyright issues. Additionally, you have no total control on image source. If the original source is deleted, then you can not use it anymore.

2.Relative URL


Relative URL links to an image which is hosted inside our website. So you don’t have to write all the addresses. You can simply command computer like ‘bring that img_girl jpg file from the folder called ‘images’. 

For this, you can use slash to direct addresses. Without a slash, our computer will see the current page like src=”imag_girl.jpg”. With a slash, it will follow a relative directory like src=“/images/img_girl.jpg”.


In summary, there are two ways to get images. One is Absolute URL and the other one is Relative URL. You can use Absolute URL when you get images from other websites. Cons is you have no control on images and possibility to infringe copyright. If you want to use images from your own website, you can just use Relative URL.


The width and height Attributes

The <img> tag needs width and height attributes to set the size of an image.

<img src="img_building.jpg" width="500" height="600">

The alt Attribute

Sometimes you need the alt attribute to define an alternate text for an image in case of any issue of displaying images. There can be slow connection, errors in src attribute or user who use a screen reader and etc.

<img src="img_building.jpg" alt="this is img of building. Sorry for inconvenience">


The style Attribute

You can use style attribute to add styles to an element. Color, font, size and etc. 

<p style="color:red;">This is in red color</p>


The lang Attribute

You should contain the lang attribute within the <html> tag to declare the language of the Web page. You can also put country codes as well. This assists search engines and browsers. 

<html lang="en">
//<html lang=”en-US”>
<title>This is my html site</title>




<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">


If you want your own language and country code, check this out.

The title Attribute

The title attribute gives detailed information about an element. You can see the value of the title attribute as a tooltip when you hover your mouse over the element.


<p title="489">Password</p>


lowercase VS UPPERCASE ?

W3S recommends lowercase attributes in HTML. In order to work with XHTML which is a stricter document type, you need to use lowercase anyway.


quote attribute or not?

W3C recommends quotes in HTML. Also XHTML demands quotes.



<a href="https://www.businessoffashion.com">Let's check BOF</a>



<a href=https://www.businessoffashion.com>Let's check BOF</a>


Single quote VS Double Quotes?

Double quotes are commonly used. But if there are double quotes inside code, then you can put single quotes around them. 

<p title='Marry "Gunner" Man'>MGM</p>
<p title="John 'Machinegun' Boy'>JMB</p>

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