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AIForEveryone_building ai in your company

by RIEM 2023. 12. 9.

Case study : smart speaker

  • process
    • trigger word detection : audio -> 'Hey Siri'
    • Speech recognition after trigger : audio -> 'What time is it now'
    • Intent recognition(의도 확인)
    • Execute action : 'It is 10:00 PM'

Case study : self driving car

  • steps for deciding how to drive
    • car detection with cam | radar(supervised learning)
    • pedestrian detection
    • motion planning(software)

Example roles of AI team:

  • software Engineer : ex) joke execution, tasks
  • Machine Learning Engineer : 머신 러닝 세팅
  • Machine Learning Researcher : 최신 기술 핏 찾기 위해
  • Applied ML Scientist : ML 엔지니어링 + 리서치 둘 다
  • Data Scientist : 인사이트 도출하여 의사 결정권자들에게 도움
  • Data Engineer : 데이터 조직. 안전하고 효율적으로 활용
  • AI Product Manager : 뭘 만들건지, 뭐가 가치있는지

AI Transformation Playbook

  • Execute pilot projects to gain momentum
    • focus on success rather than value
    • 6-12 months
    • can be in-house or outsource
  • Build an in-house AI team
  • Provide broad AI training
    • What each role can learns?
      • C-level, seniour business leads : what AI can do for business, AI strategy, resource allocation
      • division leads : set project direction(tech and business diligence), resource allocation, monitor progress
      • AI engineer trainees : Build and ship AI software, gather data, execute on specific AI projects
  • Develop an AI strategy
    • leverage AI to create an advantage specific to your industry sector
    • design strategy aligned with virtuous cycle of AI
      • better project -> more users -> more data -> fed AI engine -> better project -> ...
    • Considering creating a data strategy
      • strategic data acquisition. 무료로 서비스 제공하고 데이터 수집하는 등
      • unified data warehouse : 데이터는 같은 곳에 있어야 한다
    • create network effects and platform advantages
      • In industries with 'winner take all' dynamics, AI can be an accelerator
  • Develop internal and external communications
    • Investor relations
    • Government relations
    • consumer/user education
    • talent/recruitment
    • Internal communications

AI 기술 경쟁력은 대기업이 산업 전반에 걸쳐 영향을 미치는 수평적인 특징이 아니라 특정 분야, 도메인에 속한 기업이 잘 할 수 있는 수직적인 특징을 가졌다. 따라서 나의 전문 분야에서 AI를 잘 다루면 내가 이길 수 있다.

AI application cases

Computer vision

  • image classification/object recognition
    • face recognition : register original img -> and give new img
  • object detection
    • self-driving detecting person, car, road
  • image segmentation : 이미지를 구분하는 것 뿐만 아니라, 이미지 내 객체의 영역을 구분함. 이건 사람, 이건 옷, 이건 자동차
  • tracking video

Natural Language Processing

  • text classification
    • email -> spam | non-spam
    • product description -> product category
  • sentiment recognition : food was perfect! -> 5 star
  • Information retrieval : 정보 복구
  • Name entity recognition : 사람 이름, 장소 이름을 인식. ex) "Queen Elizabeth 2" knighted "Sir Paul McCarteny" at "the Buckingham Paclace"
  • Machine translation : 일본어 -> 영어 번역
  • parser, part-of-speech tagging
    • parsing : on + the + mat이랑 같이 간다 - parsing algorithm
    • 'The cat here' -> cat get Noun label. sentiment recognition에서 활용 - part tagging
  • Speech recognition
    • Speech-to-text speech recognition
    • Trigger word/wakeword detection for home speaker
    • Speaker ID : 목소리로 사람을 구별
    • speech synthetis(text-to-speech, TTS)
  • Robotics
    • perception : figuring out the world around you like radar scan
    • motion planning : finding a path for the robot to follow
    • Control : sending commands to the motors to follow a path
  • General machine learning
    • unstructured data (images, audio, text)
    • structured data


  • Unsupervised Learning
    • clustering : 크기 및 가격 기준 감자칩들 점도표로 표현했을 때 클러스터링 그룹을 시각화해주는 기능. market segmentation에 유용하다. 라벨링을 하지 않고 주어진 데이터의 흥미로운 부분을 찾아준다
  • Transfer learning
    • car detection, golf cart detection
  • Reinforcement learning(강화학습)
    • 헬리콥터를 잘 이동시킬 수 있는 방법을 supervised learning 학습하기 어려움.
    • 따라서 당근(reward signal)과 채찍으로 하는 것이 더 좋음
    • ex) 헬리콥터 조종, 체스, 바둑 등
    • 약점은 데이터가 정말 많이 필요한다
  • GANs(Generative Adversarial Network)
    • 새 이미지를 합성하는데 유용하다
  • Knowledge Graph
    • 주요 정보들을 정리해준다

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