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20240708-overview-babylon.js What is Babylon.js?Babylon.js is What are the key elements of Babylon.js?scene, camera, light, and objectscene for world model, camera to view, light to illuminate, and object made of meshesBabylon engine works with webGL, audio, etc in low level and this enable 'scene' to create the world modelWhat kind of formats are in Babylon.js?.babylon or .glb.glb stands for GL Transmission Format Binary, .. 2024. 10. 14.
나만의 Niche를 찾는 방법(Justin Welsh) 원문 번역 : https://www.justinwelsh.me/article/guide-choose-a-niche 온라인 비즈니스가 안풀리는 첫 번째 이유는 타겟 집중이 이뤄지지 않아서다. 넓고 얕게 접근한다. A one-person business wins with one niche, 1000 true fans, one big problem, and a differentiated solution. - Justin Welsh niche를 찾고 특정 문제를 가진 특정 오디언스를 타겟하는 3가지 방법을 알아보자. 나만의 niche를 찾는 3가지 방법 1. 오디언스로부터 sub-niche를 선택한다 2. 제품 또는 서비스로부터 sub-niche를 선택한다 3. 나 자신만의 'niche of one'을 창조한다.. 2024. 4. 2.
What is a Business Roadmap(Justin Welsh) What is a Business Roadmap? (And How to Create One) I've run my business since 2019, juggling multiple tasks and projects simultaneously with zero employees. Having a clear business roadmap has helped me plan, organize, and steer my journey past $4M+ in income with no paid ads. In this guide, I'll cover what a business roadmap is, how it differs from a business plan, and why solopreneurs need on.. 2024. 4. 2.
휴대폰 개통할 때 절대 KT는 하지 말것.. KT를 쓸 거면 다시 생각해보고 SKT나 다른 통신사를 쓸 것. 절대 절대 쓰지 말것.. 2024. 3. 29.
지정학적 관점에서 공급망 2024. 3. 29.