top50 linux commands
- ls
- pwd
- cd
- mkdir
- mv
- cp
- rm
- touch
- in
- cat
- clear
- echo
- less
- man
- unman
- whoami
- tar
- grep
- head
- tail
- diff
- cmp
- comm
- sort
- export
- zip
- unzip
- ssh
- service
- ps
- kill and killall
- df
- mount
- chmod
- chown
- ifconfig
- traceroute
- wget
- ufw
- iptables
- apt, pacman, yum, rpm
- sudo
- cal
- alias
- dd
- whereis
- whatis
- top
- useradd
- passwd
list files and directories in the current working directory.
$ ls
print current working directory
$ pwd
move to another directory
$ cd <directory path>
make directories
$ mkdir <folder name>
cp and mv
cp for copy-paste. mv for renaming.
$ cp <source> <destination>
$ mv <source> <destination>
rm for removing file
$ rm <file name>
for creating a new file
$ touch <file name>
create link to another file
$ ln -s <source path> <link name>
$ New-File-Link -> New-File
drwxr-xr-x 3 hugo staff 96 Jun 20 16:27 a
drwxr-xr-x 2 hugo staff 64 Jun 20 16:27 b
-rw-r--r-- 1 hugo staff 0 Jun 20 16:27 bye.txt
$ ls -l
lrwxr-xr-x 1 hugo staff 8 Jun 20 16:29 New-File-Link -> New-File
drwxr-xr-x 3 hugo staff 96 Jun 20 16:27 a
drwxr-xr-x 2 hugo staff 64 Jun 20 16:27 b
-rw-r--r-- 1 hugo staff 0 Jun 20 16:27 bye.txt
cat, echo, less
print output
// see the content of file
$ cat <file name>
// console.log
$ echo <Text to print on terminal>
// use less keyword when content is larger than screen space
$ cat bye.txt | less
offer a fast way to know funcs of all packages that you can download
$ man <command>
uname and whoami
$ uname
$ uname -a
$ uname -a
Darwin Hugos-MacBook-Pro.local 22.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.3.0: Mon Jan 30 20:39:46 PST 2023; root:xnu-8792.81.3~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
tar, zip, and unzip
create and extract archived files in Linux. -c
for create, x
for extract.
# Compress
$ tar -cvf Compress.tar bye.txt
# Extract
$ tar -xvf Compress.tar
$ zip <archive name> <file names separated by space>
$ unzip <archive name>
grep for searching specific string from an output
<Any command with output> | grep "<string to search>"
$ cat bye.txt
Hello guys.. welcome.
I am Grepper.
This is awesome :)
Thanks, my friend.
Kind regards,
$ cat bye.txt | grep "Kind"
Kind regards,
head and tail
see only 10 lines of head or tail of file.
head <file name>
tail <file name>
diff, comm, cmp
diff for show differences
$ diff <file 1> <file 2>
$ diff bye.txt bye2.txt
< Jin.
> John.
> P.S. Today was great weather ;)
cmp tells line number location of difference
$ cmp bye.txt bye2.txt
bye.txt bye2.txt differ: char 95, line 11
comm show arranged differences
$ comm bye.txt bye2.txt
Hello guys.. welcome.
I am Grepper.
This is awesome :)
Thanks, my friend.
Kind regards,
P.S. Today was great weather ;)
sorted output of contents
sort <filename>
$ cat bye.txt
Hello guys.. welcome.
I am Grepper.
This is awesome :)
Thanks, my friend.
Kind regards,
$ sort bye.txt
Hello guys.. welcome.
I am Grepper.
Kind regards,
Thanks, my friend.
This is awesome :)
exporting environment variables in runtime
export <variable name> = <value>
PS1은 현재 프로파일명
hugo@Hugos-MacBook-Pro linuxCommands % export PS1="\u@\h:\w -->>"
\u@\h:\w -->>ls
connect to external machine on the network by using ssh protocol
ssh username@hostname
For starting and stopping different services within OS
root@ubuntu:~ -->> service ssh status
root@ubuntu:~ -->> service ssh stop
root@ubuntu:~ -->> service ssh start
ps, kill, killall
# find process
root@ubuntu:~ -->> ps
# kill process
root@ubuntu:~ -->> kill <process ID>
root@ubuntu:~ -->> killall <process name>
df, mount
efficient utilities to mount filesystems and get details of file system.
# mount device to /mnt folder
$ mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
# show mounted device list
$ df
# show mounted devices list with % for readability
$ df -h
chmod and chown
for changing file permissions and file ownership.
chmode for changing file permission.
chown for chaning file owners.
chmod <param> filename
chown user:group filename
root@ubuntu:~ -->> chmod +x
root@ubuntu:~ -->> chmod root:root
ifconfig, traceroute
for managing network.
ipconfig for list of network interfaces to IP address
traceroute specify IP adress, the hostname or domain name of endpoint.
$ traceroute <destination address>
$ traceroute localhost
for download from web. -c
arg for resumming an interrupted download.
$ wget <link to file>
$ wget -c <link to file>
ufw, iptables
firewall interfaces for Linux Kernel's netfilter firewall.
IPTables for directly passing firewall rules to netfilter.
UFW for configuring the rules in IPTables which then sends those rules to netfilter.
UFW is easy version.
iptables is difficult version.
$ iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
$ ufw allow 80
Package managers in linux
package managers are different depending on linux distro.
# Debian | Debian-based
$ apt install <package name>
# Arch | Arch-based
$ pacman -S <package name>
# Red Hat | Red Hat-based
# Fedora | CentOS
$ yum install <package name>
run command as root user with escalated privileges
sudo <command>
$ cal
$ cal May 2023
set alias
$ alias lsl="ls -l"
convert and copy files from multiple file system formats.
dd if = /dev/sdb of = /dev/sda
if = input file
of = output file
whereis, whatis
whereis for output exact location of any command.
whatis for what is this command for.
whereis <command>
whereis sudo
whatis sudo
ps output active processes and end itself.
top is like CLI version of task manager in window. It shows a view of processes and all info like memory usage, CPU usgage, etc.
useradd, usermod
adduser for creating new user in Linux.
usermod for modifying existing users.
root@ubuntu:~# useradd JournalDev -d /home/JD
root@ubuntu:~# usermod JournalDev -a -G sudo, audio, mysql
set password for account