Data Structure: Introduction
060. Section Overview
Data Structures + Algorithms = Programs
프로그램의 근간인 데이터 구조와 알고리즘을 알면, fundamental을 알면 어떤 언어에도 적용할 수 있는 지식을 얻는 것이다.
061. What Is A Data Structure
Data Structure?
- Data Structure is a collection of values. arrangement of data.
- Each have its own function such as refriger for freezing, cabinets for documents
- ex) blockchain is simply data structure
- Data structure convert chaos into things organized in order
Key points
- How to build one
- How to use it (over the other)
062. How Computers Store Data
- RAM : To track variables, we need to check RAM(Random-access Memory). We remember space complexity.
- Storage : HDD, SSD. data can be stored permanently.
- CPU : Actual workers in com. Computer is run by the CPU.
- Storage is slow but can store data permanently.
- Ram is fast but can store data temporarily.
- 0, 1 = off, on
- 8 bit = 1 byte
- 8 bit(11111111) hold 255 information
- 16 bit hold 65,536
- 32 bit - 2,147,483,647
- CPU is connected to Memory Controller which read and write memory
RAM stands for Random-access?
CPU asks the RAM ‘what’s in it in the address 0?’. This allow direct jump to another address such as 1 -> 8 not 1, 2, 3, …, 8 in order. This is why we call this Random access
CPU also has memory?
CPU Cash is a tiny memory that copy recent datas from RAM.
Why Data Structure matters?
- Data Structures remember the way to store information.
- Each data type has a number of bits associated with it.
- CPU가 Memory의 데이터에 접근할 때 0~100 사이 주소보다 0~10 사이 주소를 더 빨리 찾을 것이다. 데이터 구조는 이를 빨리 파악하게 해줘서 빠르게 데이터에 접근할 수 있도록 도와준다.
063. Data Structure in Different Languages
Python Data Types
JavaScript Data types
But we can create our own data structure as well.
064. Operations On Data Structure
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Traversal : systematically visiting every data one by one
- Searching
- Sorting
- Access : How can we get it?