Research/Data structure & algorithm

Data Structure: Introduction

RIEM 2022. 11. 24. 15:44




060. Section Overview

Data Structures + Algorithms = Programs

프로그램의 근간인 데이터 구조와 알고리즘을 알면, fundamental을 알면 어떤 언어에도 적용할 수 있는 지식을 얻는 것이다.


061. What Is A Data Structure

Data Structure?

  • Data Structure is a collection of values. arrangement of data.
  • Each have its own function such as refriger for freezing, cabinets for documents
  • ex) blockchain is simply data structure
  • Data structure convert chaos into things organized in order

Key points

  1. How to build one
  2. How to use it (over the other)


062. How Computers Store Data



  • RAM : To track variables, we need to check RAM(Random-access Memory). We remember space complexity.
  • Storage : HDD, SSD. data can be stored permanently.
  • CPU : Actual workers in com. Computer is run by the CPU. 



  • Storage is slow but can store data permanently.
  • Ram is fast but can store data temporarily.

  • 0, 1 = off, on
  • 8 bit = 1 byte
  • 8 bit(11111111) hold 255 information
  • 16 bit hold 65,536
  • 32 bit - 2,147,483,647


  • CPU is connected to Memory Controller which read and write memory

RAM stands for Random-access?

CPU asks the RAM ‘what’s in it in the address 0?’. This allow direct jump to another address such as 1 -> 8 not 1, 2, 3, …, 8 in order. This is why we call this Random access

CPU also has memory?

CPU Cash is a tiny memory that copy recent datas from RAM.

Why Data Structure matters?

  • Data Structures remember the way to store information.
  • Each data type has a number of bits associated with it.
  • CPU가 Memory의 데이터에 접근할 때 0~100 사이 주소보다 0~10 사이 주소를 더 빨리 찾을 것이다. 데이터 구조는 이를 빨리 파악하게 해줘서 빠르게 데이터에 접근할 수 있도록 도와준다.


063. Data Structure in Different Languages


Python Data Types


JavaScript Data types

But we can create our own data structure as well.


064. Operations On Data Structure

  1. Insertion
  2. Deletion
  3. Traversal : systematically visiting every data one by one
  4. Searching
  5. Sorting
  6. Access : How can we get it?

