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Research/Computer Science

MSA(MicroService Architecture)

by RIEM 2023. 3. 29.

MicroService Architecture(MSA)


MSA is an architectural style
to build large application with separated independent parts like Lego blocks.

When is the time to think of MSA

  • when hard and slow to deploy changes
  • when common data model is becoming too complicated
  • different parts have different load/scale requirements

Characteristics of MSA

  • Each part have its own service with different tech stack, language, DB, etc
  • communicate via REST APIs, event stream, message brokers

Pros of MSA

  • Easy update without touching entire application
  • Team can use diversed stacks or langs
  • precise scaling -> save money
  • Independently deployable
  • fault isolation and better resilience
  • Good for teamwork

Cons of MSA

  • management complexity
  • much logging data
  • more network connections -> more latency and connection issues

MSA - DevOps

  • MSA needs investment to DevOps(CI/CD, monitoring, lifecycle automation, ...)

essential tools for MSA

1. Containers, Docker, Kubernetes

  • Containers are smaller and lighter than traditional virtual machines -> easy and quick to implement

2. API gateways

  • API gateway works as a reverse proxy for clients.
  • It routes requests, send request to multiple services, and also give security and authentication.
  • ex) Kubernetes + Ingress, Istio

essential tools for MSA

3. Messaging and event streaming

  • state-establishing API calls -> can tell changes in state
  • ex) Apache Kafka

4. Serverless

  • The unit of execution is small service and also a function

MSA + Cloud service

  • good for cost optimization
  • small scalable components(MSA) + on-demand, pay-per-use infra(Cloud)

Common patterns

  • BFF(Backend-for-frontend) pattern
  • Entity and aggregate pattern
  • Service discovery pattern
  • Adapter microservice pattern
  • Strangler application pattern


  • Don't start with microservices. It is for large application not small one
  • Don't do MSA without DevOps and cloud services
  • Don't make too many small microservices.

other options?

  • MSA
  • Monolithic architecture
  • SOA

Monolithic architecture vs. MSA


Server-side system based on single application

  • pros : easy to develop, deploy, manage
  • cons
    • share common stacks(lang, frameworks, db) in entire application
    • scaling
    • more growth -> more complexity


application with lousely coupled components

SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture) vs. MSA

Different scope

  • SOA : focus on enterprise to standardize how web services communicate
  • MSA : focus on application


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